Ru En

Interlocking Solutions

Control Computer System - CCS RA

CCS RA is being safe hardware-software complex of microprocessor-based interlocking system EC-EM/ABTC-EM and provides the control of automation on small-scale, average-scale and large-scale railway stations and neighboring lines with aim to provide the high line traffic-capacity. CCS RA realized the control algorithms and central interlocking of switches and signals as well as devices ABTC-CM on lines during the operation.

Safety and fail-safety of CCS RA are based on following technical solutions:

  • three channel instrumental backup of the equipment and links provide the safe function of system during failures of separate modules or single channel in generally;

  • soft synchronization of channel operation with time shifting on fulfillment of the same name procedures in different channels can provide the normal function of system during failures in different channels;

  • asymmetry of interface and channels failures by implementing of adaptive reconfigurable algorithms;

  • continuous control, periodic testing, comparison of operation computer channels and transfer the failed equipment in safe non-reversing condition;

  • possibility of hot-swap failed modules without interrupting system operation.

CCR RA consists of:

  • station operator workplace (WSO);

  • central station device (CSD);

  • object controller device (OCD, COCD).