Radioavionica JSC has established the advanced high-tech manufacture which specializes on producing of Control Computer Systems CCS RA and Combined Power Supply Plants (CPSP). These systems are standard for Russian systems of control and traffic safety on railroads transports. All components that are mounted on the board are subjected to acceptance compute testing and after their assembling every board is checked for defects. Radioavionica JSC developed, produced and certified a diagnostic stands for boards, modules and subunits. After all the necessarily checks subunits and modules are covered a special protective coating protecting from humidity. The cable manufacturing is made on the certified workplaces with applying of high-tech equipment which reduces the failures during conductor stripping. Hardware-software complex for 100% quality control of cable connectors was created by Radioavionica specialists. In modern condition of hard competition each producer aspires to provide the customer with products that meet the highest requirements in terms of reliability and fail-safety as well as is important to comply with reasonable pricing. For achieving these aims Radioavionica JSC uses the high-tech developments in producing their equipment. Interlocking systems of Radioavionica JSC consist of electronic units where only checked and advanced elements and components are used. For example, for producing of multilayers printed circuit boards for electronic modules and subunits the whole process is automated: beginning from selection of components for checking the quality of each element soldering on the board. All components for our system are purchased from authorized distributors. Due to increasing of orders quantity, Radioavionica JSC has extended its production space and facilities. This provided the possibility of applying new high-tech equipment, high-tech solutions and significantly improved the quality of manufactured products.
Technologic software of the interlocking system EC-EM/ABTC-EM could be adapted according to railroad facilities, the quantity and type of outdoor equipment with interdependencies for each railway station.
Since 2011 Radioavionica JSC has been using certified testing complex (TC) of the interlocking system EC-EM/ABTC-EM for checking of interdependencies for “idle” inspections during factory testing. The specialist’s work at this complex allows to fix potential design failures quickly including the software failures and reduce duration of system testing reducing their commissioning time. Also TC is applied during the changes of railroad development of the station, which is in operation or for a phased commissioning of railway facilities when the provided free time is limited. After the filling in the checking tables directly on station is checked only connection of CCS RA to control objects.
Within the limits of the methodology in-line simulation methodology the part of hardware-software system and it environment is replaced by software modules operating in accordance with strict time and logical regularities inherent real devices.