Radioavionica JSC specialists use a complex approach to the development of technical facilities and designing interlocking systems, which is reflected in the reports of the analysis of project risks.
Complex approach to unification is implemented by several main directions:
unification of hardware-software devices;
unification of embedding objects.
Unification of hardware-software devices is based on:
modularity of software;
application of the standard interfaces and structure elements;
application of the automated adaptation system of system software to real embedding object;
proved by practices schematic and software solutions allow to increase the system functionality.
Unification of embedding objects differs by quantity of centralized track switches (interlocking system EC-EM for small-scale, average-scale and large-scale railway station) is based on:
scalability of the CCS and power supply devices structure;
development of digital connections with neighbor microprocessor Railroad systems;
application of standard designing materials (SDM).
Our company has more than 15 years of experience in project development interlocking systems EC-EM/ABTC-EM and their adjustments during operation.
Standard designing materials (410417-TMP) consist of categories on designing of the microprocessor-based interlocking system EC-EM, three valued and four valued of the automatic block signaling ABTC-EM and connection with automatic block and semi-automatic systems, other EI systems, with Axle Counting System (ACS), Automatic brake control system, track switches cleaning, supports UTS 380, automatic switching systems and others. Using the Standard Designing Materials and new technical solutions, the development of interlocking system EC-EM and automatic block signaling ABTC-EM could carry out a variety of design institutes.
The system development begins from getting of the input data from customer, followed by making and forecast estimation of the work value, the list of supplied equipment and time schedule for the development of Control Computer System CCS RA and power supply units.
For power supply of Railroad systems located on the EI building are designed the combine power supply plants (CPSP) based on powerful uninterruptible supply units (USU) which provide stable and “clean” voltage with autonomy duration from 15 min (for possibility of switching on the diesel-generator) and up to several hours depending on customer requirements. The interlocking systems EC-EM and automatic block signaling ABTC-EM are designed on standard set of cabinets. The unification of CCS RA cabinet construction is based on the standard designing principle in which allocated the same base for all of the cabinets and variable set of modules and subunits. One of the main benefits of our company is that Radioavionica JSC provides the interlocking system EC-EM/ABTC-EM to commissioning “turnkey”. The procedure for ordering the interlocking system EC-EM/ABTC-EM equipment begins after the approval of schemes plan of railway station. For development of cable network the requirements for location of WSO and CSD in one or different buildings, distance of control objects from interlocking building, presence of basic station and concentration post on the line. Optic fiber links and optic fiber converters are used:
for location of sets WSO and CSD in different buildings;
for location OCD and CSD in different buildings.
Using connection via optic fiber provides the immunity to the external EMC influences and excludes of applying amplifying stations for link length up to 120 km.