Designed for power supply of Microprocessor-based interlocking on large-scale stations
Autonomic power supply of MI devices minimum 2 hours
Compatible with any earth systems using IFU
CPSP 200 is intended for high performance uninterruptible power supply of MI with track switches up to 200 and can be used inside the EI buildings.
CPSP 200 has subsystem of own diagnostic and also provides the connection with existing STDM.
The UPS is used for providing uninterruptible power supply of MI amounting to CPSP. The system consists of three industrial parallel units USU GE DE. The switching time from storage batteries during disappearing external network is zero. All critical elements and functions are reserved and the single refusal point is absent. The system is based on the power backup n+1 principle in which failure of one USU doesn’t lead to overload other. This solution also allows the maintenance work of any USU without power supply interruption. USU has Russian interface and possibility of remote diagnostic by systems STDM.